Last but not least - performance without fire

Aerial arts on the trapeze, silks and hoop

A trapeze artist had so arranged her life that she never came down from the trapeze. But one day she discoveres that one trapeze is no longer sufficient – from now on she needs two trapezes to live …
“Just this one bar in my hands – how can I live?”
(After Franz Kafka)

Just like Kafka’s trapeze artist, Jana Korb is searching for new ways to transcend her aerial art.
Her repertoire ranges from feature-length aerial theater to a re-invention of aerial technique: she transforms her vertical rope to aerial silks, uses three trapezes like one rope or dresses in evening gowns instead of show jerseys.
Sometimes she expresses poetic stories – about the old Ms Vladusch, who retrieves precious memories on her trapezes; about the divided heaven (Christa Wolf); about Kafka’s protagonists or other grand women…
From romantic to thrilling, open air and on stage, at galas and festivals – Jana Korb always mesmerizes her audience with her aerial art.

We co-operate closely with other artists, and can offer aerial duets, trios and larger ensemble acts.

Overview stage requirements

All shows can be performed both outdoors on our own free-standing aerial rig, as well as in high enclosed spaces, stage size and rigging points after personal consultation.

Further information about Jana’s aerial arts under