Professional fire shows for corporate and PR events

Corporate events and galas

Years of experience with gala and event management makes us an excellent partner to design the best professional show package for your event. Some of our fire shows have proved invaluable to corporate galas, often in combination with walk acts and aerial arts. Technical know-how, fire safety and the professional appearance of our artists give us the opportunity to fit into your evening schedule.
To give you an idea, we will introduce some possible variations to you:

Event Fire Show XXL

With “Illuminair” – Aerial Fire Fusion – we perform on a grand scale at your event. A mesmerizing trio fire show with aerials on silks and aerial hoop. Perfect with our stilt-walking acts and welcome animation. Especially suitable for open-air events.
Depending on the event location, the show is also possible indoors.

- 45min. Welcoming of the guests on stilts
- 20min. walk act as an intermezzo
- 25min. Highlight of the evening: Illuminair

Event Fire Show medium

Our nostalgic fire show “Voyage d’Ardeur” will give your event the final wow factor with light humor. An exhilarating journey into the 30s with finely choreographed fire manipulation. The versatility of our trio ensemble can spice up your evening with stilt-walking acts and a sensual aerial solo on silks.
Of course, even duet and solo versions of this combination are possible.

- 45min. Welcoming of the guests on stilts
- 7min. Aerial silks
- 20min. Voyage d’Ardeur

Event Fire Show Fine

For your very special customers, we offer fine small packages: Our duet-fire show “Swing Fire” shows the graceful and happy encounter of two people. Swinging music and swinging fire accompany your event – perhaps combined with a short walk act animation on stilts.
Even smaller and finer, there is this package as a solo.

- 20min. Welcoming of the guests on stilts
- 12min. Swing Fire